Ini ada beberpa penemuan yg mau dibagi hehe..(bukan penemuan beneran cm nyontek aja hihihi) yaitu cara instal Internet Explorer di Linux..kalo yg aku pake sih Ubuntu 8.04.1 kalo ada temen2 yg pakai distro lain yah disesuaikan aja ya..
berikut caranya2 :
You have to enable universe packages first. It is also recommended that you use the official winehq ubuntu package:
1) Open a terminal
2) Open /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
3) Uncomment (or add) following lines:
deb edgy universe
4) Add this line:
deb edgy main
5) Close gedit. Update and install wine and cabextract:
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install wine cabextract
6) Download IEs 4 Linux and install
tar zxvf ies4linux-latest.tar.gz
cd ies4linux-*
Note for Dapper users: if you use ubuntu dapper, replace edgy with dapper on lines above. Note for Feisty users (7.04): if you use ubuntu Feisty, replace edgy with feisty in the lines above. Also replace gedit with kedit if running Kubuntu instead of Ubuntu.
For "Fiesty" K/Ubuntu Users (and 64-bit "Fiesty):
Untuk Link aslinya silakan klik disiniSemoga bermanfaat.. :)
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